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2016 Maglaya Medical-Legal Missions Inc (MMLM) Narrative Report

The MMLM Leadership would like to express its deepest gratitude to its DONORS, BENEFACTORS & SUPPORTERS. You are the reason for the success of the 2016 Maglaya Medical-Legal Mission from July 7-13, 2016 at the Sobredillo Full Gospel Temple, Caba, La Union. 

1. 80 Attendees to the MMLM Healthy Lifestyle Lecture Series

2. 100 Attendees to the Jennifer Feril Braveheart Walk for Breast Cancer Awareness

3. 345 Adult consults
a) 230 ECG done and interpreted
b) 29 ENT consults and procedures including 1 sebaceous cyst excision
c) 89 Dermatology consults including Electrocautery/wart removal

4. 189 Pediatric consults
a) 10 ENT consults and minor procedures
b) 30 Dermatology consults

5. 80 Dental consults and Extractions
a) 50 Adult Dental Patients, 145 teeth extracted
b) 30 Pediatric Dental Patients, 50 teeth extracted

6. 15 patients referred for Cataract Surgery

7. 230 patients screened for Cholesterol, FBS and Urine Dipstick

8. 3 Curcumcisions

9. 10 Legal consults on Cadastral/ Land dispute, Medical Malpractice, Administrative.

© 2016 Maglaya Medical-Legal Missions

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